Mabel Iam is author of international award-winning self-help bestsellers on love, sex, psychology, angels and astrology, Mabel Iam is a psychotherapist, a romance therapist, adviser and expert in relationships, as well as a successful hostess and producer for TV and radio shows.

   Mabel Iam made it to the Celebrity Authors List with the publication of her first book in English, Sex and the Perfect Lover ( 2004), and has remained there on account of the successful and renowned “The Love Diet®”, which came out two years later. Sex and the Perfect Lover was sold throughout the world, including India and Malaysia, and translated to over 10 different languages – German, Turkish, English, Russian, Portuguese, French, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, etc. It has also been a public's favorite and especially recommended in Amazon.com and Barnes and Nobles.com since 2004.

   Her books have been widely acclaimed by the press – magazines and newspapers, as well as websites – like Times, Glamour, Cosmopolitan Channel and magazine, Redbook, Library Journal, Zinc, Aol.com, Ocean Drive, The Seattle Times, Askmen.com, Críticas, Penthouse, Mira, Yahoo.com, Hoy Texas, Msm Latino, The Miami Herald, El Diario-La Prensa New york, Hotmail, Journal, Latina, Latina Style, Vivir Latina and press releases from other countries too.

In June 2007 in New York BEA, she was granted the Literary international Award for Honorable Mention best self help book: The Love Diet.

   In 2006 she was granted the Literary international Award for Best Self help Book for her book Ser Angelical” The award was presented to her on May 20, at The Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC in conjunction with the 2006 Book Expo America.

   In October 2005, she reached a peak in her career when she successfully taught a seminar at the prestigious Sex Museum in New York City and participated in one of the best New York City radio shows, with over 2,000,000 listeners.

   Her awards include the Latino Literary Award for Best Self help Book for “Qué hay detrás de tu nombre”, granted by Latino Literary Now organization at the 2003 Book Expo in Los Angeles, California. In 2004, Sex and the Perfect Lover and Sex and the Erotic lover were nominated as best non-fiction bilingual books at the Latino Book Award. Mabel has also received, among other awards, the Mercosur Research Award in 1999.

   Mabel, has traveled extensively, to India and other parts of the world to study, learn and be initiated by several spiritual masters. She is also a Sedona Method coach having trained in Arizona, US, with one od the master of the movie "The Secret".
Sought after by many people from all over the world, from Presidents to celebrities, Mabel set off earlier in her career with her own TV and radio shows in her home country, Argentina, through which she reached millions of hearts in Latin America. Since 2002, she has also conquered millions of American hearts broadcasting from the city of Miami, where she currently lives and helps thousands through alchemy, psychoastrology, Eastern Tao techniques, Tantra, and creative visualization, as well as angel invocation. Mabel is also an enthusiastic participant in international book fairs in the States.

   Part of her quest for public well-being is her weekly presentation in Radio Caracol, in Miami. She also writes for New York's La Prensa and participates in Univision's “Despierta America” and Telemundo's “De Mañanita TV shows, pertaining to the main Hispanic networks in the US. She also participates in Telemundo's “Todos los dias..”shows.

   Through the application of different therapies, Mabel Iam has been an innovator in the whole continent, and is currently in a position to show her skills and spiritual mastery worldwide.